Debasish Borah
Curriculum vitae

I joined the Institute for History and Theory of Architecture at ETH Zurich in 2022 as a doctoral fellow.

I am a visual artist working with mediums of photography, video, performance, and publishing. In my research and practice, I attempt to understand Imperial frontier-making and political modernity in North-east India. I am interested in the gaze of the tourist and the role it plays in the overlaps between nationality and locality.

I graduated in 2013 with a Master’s degree in architecture history, theory, and design from CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India. I co-founded Farside Collective, a project space focusing on photography in Leh, Indian Himalayas. I am also the co-founder of Art Book Depot, India’s first independently organized art book festival.

I was born and brought up in the fringes of the Indian nation-state; in Arunachal Pradesh. I am an amateur cook and an aspiring tattoo artist.