Seminar Week

Seminar Week (051-0901)
Organizer: Chair of Prof. Ursprung
Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Philip Ursprung

Poland: After Nature

The idea of “nature” is inseparably linked to the process of industrialization. Industry transforms into images what it exploits and destroys. The search for nature is thus a trip both into the past and into the future. What will we find in Białowieża forest in Eastern Poland – the “last primary forest” in Europe? A key to understand the abysmal historical events of the past, the wars, the holocaust, the division of Europe? A paradisiac site of beauty? Our own mirror image? Starting from the darkness of forest, our expedition will take us to Lodz, the former center of Poland’s industry and then to the lights of Warsaw, site of the “Future of Europe” (according to a EU meeting in 2012).
